
Types of Citrus Fruits

Citrus in the United States grew normally grown in Florida and California. Citrus fruits are the different types of oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit. Not only large amounts of vitamin C, but are also rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and potassium. Since citrus fruits are sweeter, are a healthy alternative to sugary snacks.


Oranges are a type of citrus and many other family members, such as tangerines, clementines and tangerines. All are smaller and sweeter than the typical orange. Kumquat is another member of the family orange peel and often eat little meat sour everything. Oranges kind of a green tree. In addition, oranges are very beneficial to health. Orange can only contain 50 milligrams of vitamin C, which corresponds to about two thirds of the RDA.


Grapefruit is another member of the family of citrus fruits. There are a number of varieties such as ruby, white, pink and yellow. As orange, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C. One way to get all the vitamin C you should take it for a day to arrive. In addition, grapefruit juice is 75%. Grapefruit can be 2 / 3 cup of juice.


Lemons are a kind of sour citrus. A lemon is acidic by about 5%, which is why it tastes so bitter it is. Lemons are also rich in vitamin C - a tablespoon of lemon juice contains seven milligrams of vitamin. That means half a cup will be enough to satisfy your total daily dose. Lemons with additional health benefits, such as sore throat and difficulty in keeping teeth and gums combined. According to a study published in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, was the ability to smell lemon, tied to predict the presence of Alzheimer's patients.


Sometimes confused with lemons, you can take a yellowish color, have a bitter taste and pungent lemon. They are also more acidic citrus. A member of the citrus family is often used to flavor foods and beverages. Moreover, like their colleagues in other citrus fruits rich in vitamin C. There is also convinced that the lemon juice can help fight the growth of cancer cells.

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